inglese » polacco

punishment [ˈpʌnɪʃmənt] SOST

1. punishment (punishing):

kara f
the full punishment

2. punishment senza pl (heavy use):

to take a lot of punishment
he'll take a lot of punishment

capital punishment SOST senza pl

capital punishment

corporal punishment SOST

corporal punishment

Esempi monolingue (non verificati dalla Redazione di PONS)

Some teachers insist they're exiled to the rubber rooms as punishment for whistleblowing or standing up to authority - and then left there without a chance to defend themselves.
As a direct consequence of his powers, any kind of punishment was completely ineffectual.
Rather than face that, this request causes capital punishment to be overturned in the courts.
Capital punishment will only provide a new public spectacle, one that might even be, horror of horrors, entertaining.
One of his first acts as a school commissioner was to abolish corporal punishment.
The markets are watching, waiting, and more than willing to exact condign punishment for lack of resolve.
The term may also be applied to the punishment that is the consequence of transgression of the code of behaviour.
The work had been assigned to him as a punishment for being a notorious latecomer.
His defeat and the ensuing ruin were looked upon as a punishment for his sacrilege theft.
He was not placed in an underground pit as punishment for trying to escape.

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