inglese » polacco

Traduzioni di „wring“ nel dizionario inglese » polacco

(Vai a polacco » inglese)

wring <wrung, wrung> [rɪŋ] VB vb trans

1. wring wet cloth:


2. wring (get information):

to wring sth from [or out of] sb

3. wring neck:


Esempi monolingue (non verificati dalla Redazione di PONS)

The directive to wring the most office space out of the existing building was responsible for its narrow corridors and cramped staff offices.
The people of these countries have talent, enthusiasm, and an astonishing ability to wring a profit out of practically nothing.
The optical flat should usually never be allowed to fully wring to the surface, otherwise it can be scratched or even broken when separating them.
He advised people to squeeze out the lungs as they would wring a wet towel dry.
Governors were a greedy and rapacious lot whose single-minded interest was to wring as much personal wealth from the province as their terms allowed.
If a person is agitated, he or she may find it difficult to sit still, may pace the room, wring his/her hands, or fidget with clothes or objects.

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