hearsay evidence nell'Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary

Traduzioni di hearsay evidence nel dizionario inglese»francese

hearsay [ingl brit ˈhɪəseɪ, ingl am ˈhɪrˌseɪ] SOST U

I.evidence [ingl brit ˈɛvɪd(ə)ns, ingl am ˈɛvədəns] SOST

1. evidence U DIR:

II.evidence [ingl brit ˈɛvɪd(ə)ns, ingl am ˈɛvədəns] VB vb trans form

hearsay evidence nel dizionario PONS

Traduzioni di hearsay evidence nel dizionario inglese»francese

hearsay [ˈhɪəseɪ, ingl am ˈhɪr-] SOST no pl

Inglese americano

Esempi monolingue (non verificati dalla Redazione di PONS)

Defendants are protected from self-incrimination, forced confession, and unrestricted admission of hearsay evidence.
There is no absolute right to a supporting deposition, and rules on admissibility of hearsay evidence are far more lax than in regular court.
They give complainants wide latitude to prove their cases -- including sometimes even allowing hearsay evidence -- while hamstringing defendants.
Because the judge's reliance on hearsay evidence may have affected the case's outcome, the decision was set aside and remitted back to the judge for redetermination.
Hearsay evidence might not be usable, and credibility judgements might not be shared by a jury or judge.
Also, hearsay evidence was no longer admissible in infractions cases.

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