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Traduzioni di cost of demolition nel dizionario inglese » tedesco

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Some were over six stories high; several survive to this day because of the high cost of demolition.
The cost of demolition was estimated to be between $1 and $2 million.
The cost of demolition was $8,900 and the cost of repairs had been projected to be $6,900.
The council will charge the owner for the cost of demolition.
Because the cost of demolition exceeds the value of the property, the city says its current owners would not be entitled to any money.
He was reluctant to state the estimated cost of demolition, as this had yet to go to tender, but it was likely to be more than $200,000.
The cost of demolition was so high partly because the building was constructed with hundreds of massive reinforced concrete columns, which will not be fast or easy to dismantle.
Estimates for the cost of demolition have been as high as $80 million.
The consultants do say the sale of land for redevelopment will likely bring in a bit more than the cost of demolition and street reconstruction.
The high cost of demolition, however, indefinitely delayed that outcome until a new use was found.

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