radio transmitter nel dizionario italiano Oxford-Paravia

Traduzioni di radio transmitter nel dizionario inglese»italiano <pl radios> [ingl brit ˈreɪdɪəʊ, ingl am ˈreɪdioʊ] SOST <3 ª, persona sing pres. radios, pass/part perf radioed> [ingl brit ˈreɪdɪəʊ, ingl am ˈreɪdioʊ] VB vb trans <3 ª, persona sing pres. radios, pass/part perf radioed> [ingl brit ˈreɪdɪəʊ, ingl am ˈreɪdioʊ] VB vb intr

transmitter [ingl brit tranzˈmɪtə, trɑːnzˈmɪtə, transˈmɪtə, trɑːnsˈmɪtə, ingl am trænzˈmɪdər, trænsˈmɪdər] SOST

radio transmitter nel dizionario PONS

Esempi monolingue (non verificati dalla Redazione di PONS)

The case at the station was found to contain a radio transmitter.
It is usually used with a radio transmitter or radio receiver.
Such devices incur a transit delay of approximately 1 ms for every 300 kilometres (186 mi) of distance from the radio transmitter.
In 1947, one of his first inventions was a radio transmitter that allowed simultaneous two-way communication (such as in a phone conversation).
Their unwitting confessions are broadcast to the police via a hidden microphone and radio transmitter.
Planes always went in pairs with one plane carrying a radio transmitter.
However, instead of controlling the electricity in a cross-country wire, the switch controlled the power sent to a radio transmitter.
At the summit stand a radio transmitter and a trig point.
The four men were eventually discovered and were charged with possession of an unlicensed radio transmitter and publication of materials that could cause public unrest.
The doorbell button contains a built-in radio transmitter powered by a battery.

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