inglese » polacco

Traduzioni di generalizing nel dizionario inglese » polacco

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II . generalize, generalise ingl brit [ˈʤenərəlaɪz, ingl am -əlaɪz] VB vb trans usu pass

Esempi monolingue (non verificati dalla Redazione di PONS)

The instructor must keep time to ensure the students are centered on analogizing, generalizing, and bridging their comprehension with others.
According to the criticism, this hinders the feasibility of generalizing from simulation studies to the behavior of real juror.
Generalizing this idea, one might ask about something related to lattice points in three or more dimensions.
The table gives a list of several structures generalizing groups.
Second attribute involves how learning occurs, and involves the notion of generalizing from examples.
This has resulted in several radicals generalizing the commutative case in distinct ways.
The learning algorithm is able to memorize the training examples without generalizing well.
The concern is with formal aspects of generalizing such choices.

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