body fat nel dizionario italiano Oxford-Paravia

Traduzioni di body fat nel dizionario inglese»italiano

I.fat [ingl brit fat, ingl am fæt] AGG

II.fat [ingl brit fat, ingl am fæt] SOST

I.body [ingl brit ˈbɒdi, ingl am ˈbɑdi] SOST

body fat nel dizionario PONS

Traduzioni di body fat nel dizionario inglese»italiano

Esempi monolingue (non verificati dalla Redazione di PONS)

Women also store more body fat, which delays the effects of physical degradation caused by starvation and overwork.
In the summer it forages for tundra plants, seeds, and fruit to increase body fat for its winter hibernation.
Also, human feet have a tendency to become adipocere (a soap-like substance formed from body fat), which makes it hard for forensic scientists to find clues.
Furthermore, the liposuction harvesting of the patients excess body fat improves the aesthetic appearance of the body fat donor-sites.
Compliance with this diet using either milk protein shakes or soy protein shakes resulted in significant weight loss and reductions in body fat.
For example, a liposoluble drug will tend to accumulate in body fat and water-soluble drugs will tend to accumulate in extracellular fluids.
The percentage of essential body fat for women is greater than that for men, due to the demands of childbearing and other hormonal functions.
While obesity is defined as an excess amount of body fat.
It also showed that regular exercise and dietary fibre strongly influence body fat levels "citation needed".
These changes are believed to be due to increasing rates of adiposity leading to increased acceptance of extra body fat as being normal.

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