round-neck sweater nel dizionario italiano Oxford-Paravia

Traduzioni di round-neck sweater nel dizionario inglese»italiano

I.round [ingl brit raʊnd, ingl am raʊnd] AVV ingl brit Round often appears after verbs in English (change round, gather round, get round, pass round etc.): for translations, consult the appropriate verb entry (change, gather, get, pass etc.). For go round, see both the entry go, and II2 in this entry.

II.round [ingl brit raʊnd, ingl am raʊnd] PREP ingl brit

IV.round [ingl brit raʊnd, ingl am raʊnd] AGG

VI.round [ingl brit raʊnd, ingl am raʊnd] SOST

VIII.round [ingl brit raʊnd, ingl am raʊnd] VB vb trans

Vedi anche: clear round

I.neck [ingl brit nɛk, ingl am nɛk] SOST

III.neck [ingl brit nɛk, ingl am nɛk] VB vb intr colloq

to be a pain in the neck colloq
he's up to his neck in it colloq
to risk one's neck colloq

sweater [ingl brit ˈswɛtə, ingl am ˈswɛdər] SOST

round-neck sweater nel dizionario PONS

Traduzioni di round-neck sweater nel dizionario inglese»italiano

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